Petite Mademoiselle

Petite Mademoiselle, A dose of Fashion. Let all your dreams & fantasies become real

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zondag 3 april 2011

new haircut.

hi peeps
 I'm sorry i didn't post anything this weekend, but I was very busy.
 Friday I went to the hairdresser and I'm so happy with the result.
 Saturday I went shopping with my mother in Rotterdam and I bought some nice things, tomorrow I'll put some pictures on my blog.
here some pictures of my new haircut, soo tell me what do you think of it?
hugs & kisses,

3 opmerkingen:

  1. the haircut is really cute on you!

    jos xx

  2. You are so brave! I've always seen pictures with people who have undercuts (is that what its called?) and I've always thought I could never pull that off but it looks cool on you! Kudos to you for stepping out of box x

  3. it looks very good on you.
    looks very edgy, not everyone could wear it, but you can :) !

    XX I.
